Thursday 21 June 2012

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad. Is a rare tv show. It gets better and better as the seasons go on. I tip my hat to the writers and the stars. Epic show. Just about to finish season 3. I'm kinda glad its due to end at the end of season 5 I wouldn't want this show to out stay its welcome. But till then i'm going to enjoy the ride

Thursday 31 May 2012

The Grey

I really need to update this blog more often. I watched this the other . I enjoyed it. Was pretty decent movie. Some decent action and I didn't expect that ending. I promise i'll update this more often

Friday 10 February 2012

The Girl with the dragon tattoo

Second post. I'm getting good at this.Where do I get my medal ??? Anyway I went to see the girl with dragon tattoo last Sunday night.  Now before I review it let me start by saying I loved the Swedish film. I used to work as a projectionist and I remember this film coming in and I remember seeing all 8 reels lying on the floor ready to be made up. My heart sank. But i went on IMDB and looked it up and thought to myself this might be alright. How wrong was I. It was brilliant. Loved it from start to finish .
Now onto the remake. I've always enjoyed David Finchers work even alien 3. I was looking forward to seeing what he can bring to this film. He never let me down. Sure I knew the way the plot worked out I knew there was going to be rape and murder. But he made me forget the original film just long enough to enjoy the story again. I really hope he does all 3. The star of the film done great job and the stand out performance was by Rooney Mara

Sunday 29 January 2012

Killer Klowns from outer space

Good bless Netflix for having this classic horror film on there. I'm joking of course this film is utter rubbish. Who put the money up for this. I read months ago they are planning a  remake of this. I only hope this is true. It could be the greatest remake of all time.
Again I'm joking it really is that bad. The remake would be waste of time and money . I'm hoping to update this blog everytime I watch a film. Thanks for reading